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Last updated
In this section, you will see pages for the most popular IRL Streaming applications available on Android devices. With that being said, there are only two applications I personally recommend or would even use. I personally would not use any app other than or . Both of these apps have their pros and cons.
If you're a total beginner to IRL, I'd recommend to start, as it is simple and easy to use. It's also the best option in the case that you experience the common problems with , which include overheating and battery drain.
If you want or need connection bonding, want or have a streaming server (), or simply want a more advanced experience, and your phone can handle it, I recommend .
Though more guides are here, I do not recommend using any other app on Android than one of these two. You can see those, and why, in the section.
Everything you need to know about IRL Streaming from an Android device!